If this is the first time you’re learning about defensive driving, allow us to enlighten you.

What is Defensive Driving?

Defensive driving is a manner of driving that trains motorists to identify and address various hazards on the road in a predictable manner.

The strategies involved in this method of driving go beyond what is taught for basic traffic laws. Defensive driving reduces the risk by training drivers to make safe and well-informed decisions by anticipating situations that may distract them. This is all conducted by taking various road and environmental occurrences into account.

How does Defensive Driving Benefit You?

Although there are many benefits of defensive driving, here’s a quick mention of the most prominent and useful ones.

  • Most states offer defensive driving as an incentive for those seeking a reduction of points following a driving violation on their driver’s license.
  • Many states also offer additional incentives for not increasing insurance rates.
  • Some states also offer a 10% reduction in rates for a 3-5 year period.
  • Defensive driving also teaches protection techniques and guidance in handling road rage and speeding.
  • The course also teaches safe driving techniques in case of bad weather, nighttime driving, extreme weather driving as well as highway driving.

Defensive Driving for Driving Violation Charges

In some cases, those that take defensive driving course do not have to appear in court. State-approved driving courses allow driving violation charges to be dismissed, and the fine is not assessed as well. In short, defensive driving allows you to pass your test and clear your driving record of any violations successfully.

The Basics of a Defensive Driving Test

Defensive driving tests are regulated by each state, so they’re designed to train each individual in accordance with the laws of their state. Nevertheless, the basic details stay the same.

  • Traffic crashes (causes, emotional and financial impact)
  • Psychological factors (stress, emotional triggers, road rage and other effects)
  • Human factors and errors (DUI or DWI, education on the role drugs and alcohol play)
  • The dynamics of a crash (speed, place of impact, severity, behavior after the crash occurs, vehicle crashes, second collisions)
  • Safety equipment (importance of safety belts, airbags, head rests)
  • Crash prevention techniques (correct driving strategies, recognizing potential hazards)
  • State traffic laws (state-specific traffic laws, speeding tickets, traffic violations)

 Take Defensive Driving Lessons with Jacob’s Driving School

Our defensive driving course is approved by the Arizona State Supreme Court. This means if you have any ticket violations that you would like wiped off your records, we are your best bet at making that happen.

With no hidden charges to surprise you midway, we make sure that our services as one of the best driving schools in Arizona provide you with exactly what you need. Learn more about defensive driving and better your driving skills!

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