It is natural to feel excited when you start learning how to drive a car. However, you also need to be careful. Accidents are a common occurrence in the United States and almost 1.3 million people die in car accidents every year.

Here is a look at some things that you need to keep in mind when you are learning how to drive:

Make Sure You Observe The Intersection Before Turning

Beginners can sometimes be reckless drivers. They sometimes do not observe the traffic properly especially when they are at an intersection. This can result in an accident since a car might appear suddenly out of nowhere.

Proper Steering Control

You might struggle with controlling the wheel when you first start driving. A common mistake that beginners sometimes make is that they either turn the steering too hard or too late.

Holding the steering properly is quite important. Make sure that you do not cross your arms over one another.

Use The Mirrors Properly

Mirrors are useful since they allow you to keep track of the other vehicles on the road. Keep an eye on the mirror throughout the journey and stay alert.

This is especially important when you are switching the lanes. You do not want to bump into the car, which was trying to overtake you.

 Avoid Using The Horn Too Much

The sound of a car horn is quite annoying. Therefore, you might want to avoid using it too excessively. In case you are stuck in heavy traffic, avoid using the horn since it might annoy the driver and result in a confrontation. It can also lead to road rage.

Avoid Distractions

When driving make sure you avoid talking on the phone since it distracts you from the road ahead can lead to a serious car accident.

Distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents in the United States. In addition to your cell phones, you should also avoid listening to music or eating a snack while driving. Your focus should only be on the road ahead.

Avoid Driving Too Slowly

It is good to be safe however; driving too slowly can cause problems for other drivers. These drivers might become impatient and attempt to overtake you.

Practice As Much As You Can

Like any other skill, you need to practice if you want to become a better driver. This is especially important before you apply for a driver’s license. You do not want to fail the test.

Enrolling in a driving school can also help. Get in touch with us. We are a driving school based in Arizona. Our team consists of people who are experts and can help you understand the basics of defensive driving. Contact us at (602) 297-1000.


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