For those of you who are unclear on what defensive driving is about; this blog will help.

Defensive driving is basically a set of driving techniques designed to avoid accidents and collision. What makes defensive driving programs different from conventional driving programs is that defensive driving teaches you to avoid and mitigate risks even if the other person on the road is at fault.

In other words, it teaches you to avoid collisions in situations where others on the road apart from yourself are speeding, intoxicated or making whatever road related mistakes that they may be.

3 Reasons Why You Must Take a Course

There are actually many reasons that taking a defensive driving course at a driving school, especially in the state of Arizona might be a good idea.

Better Road Skills

The first and most obvious reason to take a defensive driving course in Arizona or anywhere else in the US is that you will become a much better driver. Despite the large numbers of licensed drivers in the US, traffic accidents and fatalities do occur.

A defensive driving course means; you up your road skills and as a result ensure that you keep yourself and those in the car with you safe. Furthermore, you also do your fellow drivers a service as in case someone does get careless and end up in a road accident, you’ll have the skills needed to avoid and mitigate damages ensuring the safety of not just yourself but also the person who was going to crash into you.

Wavering of Priors

Another advantage of taking a defensive driving course is that you get more points on your license and better yet, any prior traffic tickets, fines and markings are taken off record. In other words you get to start with a clean slate.

If you’ve spent your earlier days on the road racking up those fines, a defensive driving course could really help get some of those receipts off your windshield and documentation!

Insurance Concession

Having a ticket free or clean driving record due to your defensive driving skills is yet another long term benefit. Insurance companies will not see you as a liability. As a result, you will likely get better insurance rates than people who have not completed the course.

Further, your existing insurance rates won’t rise as quickly as they might if you did not take a defensive driving course.


Defensive driving might be an option now, but the way we see it, will likely be a mainstream requirement for all licensed drivers in future. The way we see it, those of you looking to take a defensive driving course should waste no time and get right not it!

Jacobs Driving School is dedicated to providing learners in Phoenix, Arizona with top-notch instructors who ensure that those graduating are safer, smarter and more confident drivers.

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