The number 1 killer of U.S teens are car crashes. As parents of teenagers learning to drive, this must be terrifying. Often parents aren’t sure what they can do to make things safer for their child. Here are some ways parents can support their kids through the learning and “new driver” phase:

Be a good role model

Buckle up

Lead by example. Kids are constantly watching and observing their parents behavior when driving. Always wear a seat belt, whether or not you’re driving. 1 in 4 teens admit to not using seat belts on every ride. Instill this habit in your kids by always reminding them as well as wearing the seat belt yourself.

Half the fatalities amongst teens could have been avoided if they wore seatbelts. Wearing a seatbelt reduces risk of death by 45% for front passengers.

Set aside the cell phone

As an experienced driver, you may feel in control of the vehicle even if you’re checking your phone while driving. It must be tempting to check your phone or attend an important call; always remember, your kids are watching.

Teach them that nothing is more important than their safety. Take a call while driving or texting can put your family and yourself at risk. 39% of teens have ridden with a driver who was texting and it’s on the parents to reduce this number. Stop your car in a safe spot and then answer your phone. Your teens will pick up on this habit too!

The car they’re driving

The vehicle used by your teen is equally important. They need cars that perform well and help them avoid any crashes. Experts recommend giving teens a car that won’t go too fast. This doesn’t mean you encourage them to drive slowly. Teens need to gain confidence behind the wheel and must drive at the speed limit.

Good braking distance and easy control during emergency maneuvers are the features their car should be able to provide.

Start small

Your teenager may take the car for a spin. They like the freedom they get from the experience. This is said to be risky behavior amongst teens. Parents are advised to keep an eye on their travels. Make them start with short routes and work your way up. Always make sure you know where they are going and which route they are going to take. In the unfortunate event of a crash, you’ll at least know where to look for your kid.

Are you looking for a reliable driving school in Chandler? Jacob’s Driving School offers driving lessons and defensive driving course in Arizona to help drivers get rid of their tickets and violations. Contact us at (602) 297-1000 for more details.

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