Children are said to be faster learners than adults. Although they only ride tiny bicycles, teaching them important car safety rules will make them better drivers when they get their hands on the steering wheel one day.

As parents, it’s important for you to make sure that your child knows what’s good for them when it comes to road safety. This’ll also make them responsible citizens when they grow up.

So tonight, instead of reading your child a fairy tale, tell them the following ways they can keep themselves safe from any needless car-related injuries:

Children must stay away from cars while playing

In the US, about 50 children get hit by a car every week because drivers don’t see them coming. Ideally, as a parent, you shouldn’t leave your child unattended if they have no knowledge of road safety.

On the flip side, if they’re old enough to go play in a park alone, you must warn them to stay away from driveways and roads. Also, advise them to take a good look across the road before getting off their school bus.

Your child must not mistakenly enter someone else’s car

Kids usually get carried away while playing games like hide and seek and can hide inside a truck, the trunk of someone else’s car, or a huge container.

At any age, your child must be aware of what this may lead them to. While you shouldn’t scare your child by telling them abduction stories, they should know that it’s not safe to enter someone else’s vehicle. 37 children die each year because they were trapped in someone else’s car for too long.

Seatbelts are the key to road safety

If you live in Arizona, your car is probably equipped with a state-approved child restraint system —if you don’t, you might be fined by The Arizona Department of Transportation. If your child is below 8 years of age, make it a habit to always remind them to sit in their booster seat. If they’re older, they should be aware of the seatbelt laws concerning grown up kids.

While it’s essential for kids to be informed of important safety rules, the bulk of the responsibility still lies on adults’ shoulders. This is why everyone should go t a reliable driving school. At Jacobs Driving School, our expert trainers make sure that every driver values human life and drives responsibly. Irrespective of whether you’re in Avondale, Scottsdale, Luke, Tempe or Waddell, we’re just a call away. Visit our website for further details of our driving lessons.

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